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Frequently Asked Questions

How many versions of Inspire are available?

There a five Inspire subscription tiers available for you to choose from. You can view those tiers and all of the features available to you here.

What kind of desktop and mobile devices can I use with Inspire?

Inspire is cloud-based and runs on any desktop and device — Mac, PC, Apple and Android — anytime, anywhere via an Internet connection.

Does Inspire operate in the cloud?

Inspire is a 100% cloud-based program. With an Internet connection, you can easily and securely access Inspire on any desktop and device, anytime, anywhere.

Does Inspire have an online booking feature?

Yes, Inspire has a highly customizable online booking feature.

Can Inspire provide me with a summary of my KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)?

Yes, Inspire includes in-depth, printable reporting that informs on a variety of KPIs.

Do you offer a payment plan?

Inspire is a cloud-based monthly subscription service; no contract is required.

Do you offer training and education?

Yes, training and education are important to us as part of our overall service to clients. We ensure that you are properly trained in the use of our software by making available personalized sessions, as well as providing an extensive Help Center with training and general educational videos that can be accessed at any time.
You can also find Inspire conducting educational sessions at industry conventions throughout the year.

Can I get a demo of Inspire?

Yes, please click here to book a live demo with an Inspire product expert.

Do you attend conferences and trade shows?

Yes, we can be found at a variety of events throughout the year. Visit our Events page for a look at our current events schedule.

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